Mandala Circle Art Maker: Create Mandalas and Beyond

Discover the endless possibilities of Mandala making with our exquisitely designed and handcrafted geometric circle art drawing tool, crafted to inspire your creativity.

We also offer fun and engaging creative workshops that encourage exploration and artistic expression. Our structured courses provide clear, step-by-step instructions, making it easy for you to learn at your own pace, whether you're a beginner or looking to enhance your skills.

Mandala Circle Art Maker Drawing Tool

Where will it take you?

Continue reading to explore the remarkable versatility of the Mandala Art Maker drawing tool and the creative possibilities it can unlock for you.

What are Mandalas?

Mandalas (Sanskrit for ‘Sacred circle’) are mesmerising images comprised of repeating geometric shapes and patterns. Designed to represent the cosmos and infinity, they have traditionally been used as a meditation aid within Buddhism. Both the process of creating geometric circle art and appreciating a completed piece can evoke a sense of joy and artistic fulfillment.

circle art drawings

Art and creativity

Creativity is a natural human impulse, yet we often shy away for fear of not being talented enough, as if creativity belonged to a special few. This simply isn’t true! The Mandala Circle Art Maker drawing tool is perfect for beginners and experienced artists alike – easy enough for a child to use, it can be used to create complex artwork of various sizes using a variety of materials


Taking pen to paper can feel like a strikingly defiant act in the digital age. No distractions, no screens, no multi-tasking – just you and your creation. Active concentration and a focus on the present moment enables you to engage fully in the process of creating and flow.


Our modern world doesn’t leave much time for self-reflection. Yet anyone who journals will know the power of stopping to check in with ourselves. The Mandala Art Maker drawing tool can provide clues to our psyche – why did you create that particular shape? What drew you to use those colours? Psychologist Carl Jung famously used mandalas, seeing them as a symbolic representation of the "Self".

Community & connection

Using the Mandala art drawing tool can be as sociable or as solitary as you want. We run regular online and offline classes for those who want to create as part of a community, connect with like-minded people or simply draw quietly in the presence of others. Equally suitable for families, home parties or corporate team-building days, the Mandala Art Maker is easy and fun to use creating stunning artwork – we have yet to come across anyone who wasn’t proud of their final artwork!

Mandala art Making Classes

Create personalised mandalas in a friendly online workshop using the 'Mandala Art Maker' tool. Learn about mandalas and their impact on mindfulness and self-expression. Experience relaxation and unleash your creativity with the guidance of Helen an experienced and qualified teacher.

What Mandala art makers say about our classes

“I was looking forward to this as I have seen videos of Indian women doing this with paint and admired the care, precision and vibrancy of the final design. This session was a great introduction. Mindfulness was at the heart of this and I can confirm that the time whizzed by as I focused on the design and colour. Loved it. Simple, child-like, but extremely effective.”

“Loved this! I think everyone in my group could have happily spent the whole afternoon making mandalas. I learnt some interesting things, and I now have a framed mandala in my office at home which makes me smile and reminds me of some of the lessons of the day. Helen was great!”

Read more testimonials from Mandala Art Makers here.