Science Behind Circle Art and Anxiety Relief
Drawing circles can be an effective way to reduce anxiety levels. Studies have shown that engaging in art therapy can decrease levels of cortisol, a hormone associated with stress, and increase the levels of oxytocin, a hormone that promotes feelings of relaxation and connection. Drawing circles can also activate the parasympathetic nervous system, which is responsible for calming the body after a stressful event. When we engage in mindful drawing, we focus on the present moment and our breathing, which can help us relax and reduce anxiety levels further
How to Start Drawing Circles for Anxiety Relief
If you're interested in trying circle art for anxiety relief, there are several ways to get started. First, gather your supplies. You'll need a sketchbook or paper, pencils, erasers, ruler, compass, or maybe our Circle Art Maker to help you create perfect circles. Then, set aside some time each day to draw circles. It doesn't have to be for a long period of time, just a few minutes a day can make a difference.
When you start drawing, focus on the process of drawing the circles, not the outcome. Don't worry about creating a perfect circle, just focus on the movement of your hand and the feeling of the pencil on the paper. If you find your mind wandering, gently bring your attention back to the present moment and the act of drawing circles.
Experiment with different types of circles. Draw small, tight circles, or large, loose circles. Use different colors, patterns, and textures. Try drawing circles within circles, or overlapping circles. The more you experiment, the more you'll discover about what type of circle art works best for you.
Other Forms of Art Therapy for Anxiety Relief
While drawing circles can be an effective form of art therapy for anxiety relief, it's not the only option. Other forms of art therapy include coloring, painting, sculpting, and collage making. Each of these forms of art therapy can help reduce anxiety by promoting relaxation, creativity, and self-expression. Experiment with different types of art therapy to find what works best for you.
Drawing circles can be a simple, effective way to reduce anxiety and promote relaxation. By engaging in mindful drawing, we can focus on the present moment and our breathing, which can help us relax and reduce anxiety levels. If you're interested in trying circle art for anxiety relief, gather your supplies, set aside some time each day, and focus on the process of drawing circles. Remember, it's not about creating a perfect circle, it's about engaging in the process of drawing and promoting relaxation.